Private Notes provide a quick and easy space for you to privately record any memos or updates, these notes can also be shared if permissions are assigned to do so. To maximise information sharing within your business, anyone can receive notes. The following article will explain how to create Private Notes, how to share them and the related permissions.
This article covers:
To Create a Private Note
1. Click on the Pencil icon at the top-right of your page to create a Private Note from anywhere in the platform.
2. Click Create Note.
3. Add a Summary and Description, all changes are saved as you type.
4. If relevant, add who the note is Related To.
To Share a Note
1. In the note, click on the Shared with section on the right
2. Start typing the name of who you wish to share the note with. Notes can be shared with multiple people at a time.
3. Once you have selected all names, click Save.
Private Notes Permissions
To enable your employees to share notes assign the following permission: notes.share
Without this permission employees will be able to view private notes that have been shared with them or created by them, but they will not be able to share the note.
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