Your Dashboard gives you an overview of important information held on the platform. Here you can see a quick summary of how both you and your team members are tracking against key criteria, which can be used for easy navigation to relevant pages for more detail.
This article covers:
My Stats
Your stats at the top of the page show a running tally of all the Forms and Goals you’ve completed in the last three months. You’ll also be able to see if you have Forms due anywhere in the system through the inbox icon at the top of every page.
For more information about completing Forms, visit How to complete a feedback form.
For more information about adding or updating your Goals, visit How to create a Goal.
My Overview
The My Overview section of the Dashboard provides a quick snapshot of how you are tracking against key criteria including Form Completion, Goal Completion, Training and Qualification Compliance. Below a summary is provided for each tile.
My Outstanding Forms
This section shows a breakdown of any Forms you need to complete in the system. The search bar at the top of the page allows you to look for specific forms by name of the Form or the person it relates to. You can also see how long ago each Form was issued and when it's due.
My Active Goals
Keep your Goals front of mind with this visual representation of all your current objectives and their progress. Click into the tile to see an overview of your Goals including their description, due dates and progress status. You can also search for a specific Goal by title, description or progress status.
My Training
Get a quick overview of your Training to see how many hours you’ve completed in the past 12 months. Click into the tile for details on what training you’ve completed this year, including the hours, cost and when it was completed.
You can also search for training by title, view your entire training history, or create a training record. For more information about adding your training, visit How to add a training record.
My Qualifications Compliance
At a glance, get an overview of the mandatory Qualifications required to ensure compliance; specifically, required qualifications not currently evidenced and those that are expiring soon. Click into the tile for details about mandatory Qualifications not yet evidenced and those compulsory Qualifications ready for renewal. You can also search for a qualification by name or approval status. For more information about adding or updating your Qualifications, visit the Qualifications section.
My Team Overview
Similar to My Overview, if you have direct reports within the intelliHR platform you will also be able to view an overview of the team's Outstanding Forms, Current Goals, Training Investment and Qualifications Compliance. This is a quick and easy way to keep up to date on key criteria for your direct reports. Like your own overview, you can click into each tile to find further information. The Team Overview will also flag any employees on extended leave, as well as transitions in and out of your team.
Flags on a person in this section help you to keep track of your people. A team member on extended leave will have a yellow circle displayed beside their name. A team member who is exiting staff will have a blue circle displayed beside their name.
The Transitions section shows all the comings and goings in your team. This section will only be visible if you have people joining or leaving within the next week, or people who have left in the past 7 days.
How to use One-Click Actions to Access Direct Reports:
At times it may be necessary to view and record a Diary Note, Training or Goal on the record of one of your Direct Reports. These actions can be completed using the one-click action feature that aims to reduce the time spent clicking through to different screens.
1. Hover over a profile in the My Team section.
2. A quick action menu will appear; click on the Action Menu in the top right to display your action options.
3. Select the action you wish to carry out and you will be taken to the relevant page to complete the action e.g. add a Diary Note will take you to the diary notes areas in the manager's log.
4. Quickly record the information you need to, then get back to what you were doing.
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