Custom fields allow you to track even more information about your employees through intelliHR, and the best thing is this can be personalised to store whatever data you want! Some examples of data you may want to track using custom fields include Languages, Drink Preferences, Dietary Requirements, Diversity and Work Days, the possibilities are endless. This article will explain how to get started with creating your very own Custom Fields.
This article covers:
- How to Create a Custom Field
- Editing Custom Fields
- How to Create Custom Field Categories
- Ordering Custom Field Categories
- Assigning Access to View and Edit Custom Fields
How to Create a Custom Field
1. Navigate to Settings >> All Settings >> Custom Fields
2. Select the tab you wish the custom field to appear on (Job, Job Remuneration, Person, Training, etc.)
3. Click "Create Custom Field"
If you have created custom field templates you can also select Choose template on the next screen below.
4. You will then be prompted to enter in a name for the new custom field (i.e. Languages, Work Days, Dietary Requirements). Note the API Name will pre-fill (this API Name is used for integrating this custom field with other platforms via the public API). You do not need to edit the API Name.
5. You will then be prompted to select a Data Type. This will determine where the custom field will appear on the platform.
Training: the custom field will appear as a field when creating a new training record.
Person: the custom field will appear as a field on the Profile tab under the Category you select in step 6.
Job: the custom field will appear as a field on the Jobs tab of a Profile.
Job - Remuneration Schedule: the custom field will appear as a field on the Job tab of a Profile.
Business Unit: the custom field associated with Business Unit will not appear on the front end to end users; however, these custom fields offer the flexibility to associate multiple values, such as cost centre or primary business unit contact details, with Business Units that can be pulled out of the API into your tech ecosystem.
Location: the custom field associated with Location will not appear on the front end to end users; however, these custom fields offer the flexibility to associate multiple values, such as parent location or primary location contact details, with Locations that can be pulled out of the API into your tech ecosystem.
5. Select a Field Type. The types of custom fields that can be added are:
- Input Field (Text): the employee will be able to type out a written response.
- Input Field (Number): the employee will only be able to enter a numeric value.
- Single Select: the employee can choose an option from the list.
- Multi-Select: the employee can select multiple options i.e. workdays/ languages spoken) (this will appear as an additional filter on the people directory that you can use).
- People Dropdown: the employee can select the name of another employee on the platform (i.e. this is often used if an employee has an assistant).
6. If this field will display on the Profile tab or the Job - Remuneration Schedule select the Custom Field Category (section) you wish it to display under.
7. Check Exclude from Analytics if you do not wish this field to be visible in analytics.
8. **Analytics Category (the option to select an analytics category that this custom field will be linked to is not currently in production but the drop-down has been created to enable a future product enhancement).
9. Check Custom Field is Sensitive if you wish for data recorded in this field to be hidden by default on the screen, with the option for those with access to select Press to Reveal in order to view the data.
10. Click Create.
Editing Custom Fields
It is possible to edit Single Select and Multiple Select custom fields options.
To edit an existing custom field:
1. Navigate to Settings >> All Settings >> Custom Fields >> Edit
2. Add an Option
How to Create Custom Field Categories
Custom fields allow you to track even more information about your employees through intelliHR, and the best thing is this can be personalised to store whatever data you want! However, with this added system flexibility there can be a desire to add numerous custom fields that are important for your business to track. Custom field categories allow you to categorise those custom fields into sections which can then be opened up to the relevant people. This section will explain how to get started with creating your very own Custom Fields Categories.
1. Navigate to Settings >> All Settings >> Custom Fields
2. Select the tab you wish the add a new section to (Person or Job - Remuneration Data)
3. Click "Create Category"
4. Enter the name of the category that will appear as a section on the profile tab.
5. Select any custom fields already created that you wish to add to this category
6. Create
Ordering Custom Field Categories
Once the categories are created the order in which these appear on the page can be decided from this area. Click on the left-hand side of the category to drag and drop into the position you want them to appear on the employee tab.
Assigning Access to View and Edit Custom Fields
Once you have created your new custom field, you will be able to decide which permission groups should have the ability to view and/ or edit the responses to the custom field.
To assign access:
1. Navigate to Settings >> Permissions
2. Select the relevant Permission Group
3. Click Edit
4. At the bottom of the page under Custom Fields Permissions you will find all related permissions.
5. Each custom field will have 6 related permissions which allow you to view or manage custom fields for all employees, subordinates or self.
6. Assign the level of access required for the Permission group and Save.
If an end user does not have access to view any of the custom fields within a specific category, the category will not be visible to them. Conversely, if an end-user has access to view custom fields that are part of one of your custom field categories they will have access to that category.
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