The Organisation Settings places the ability to amend the organisation name, logo, log in splash image and default business days firmly in the hands of your business. As a system administrator, if the branding of your organisation is changed the logo can be amended instantly without having to contact the support team for assistance giving you greater flexibility to personalise the platform and ensure it always reflects the dynamic nature of your organisation.
This article covers:
- Amending Branding (Organisation Name and Email From Name)
- Amending Country/Currency
- Amending Person Display Name and Employee Number Format
- Amending the Data Confidence Date (Optional)
- Amending Organisation Objectives Visibility
- Amending Goal Notifications
- Amending Default Language
- Amending Date/ Time Formats
- Amending Business Days
- Amending Remuneration Display
- Amending Goal Comments/GIF's
- Amending Default Email Send Times
- Amending Organisation Chart Visibility
- Amending Supervisor Early Access Period
- Amending Single Sign-On Options
- Amending the Organisation Logo
- Amending the Login Splash Image
- Amending the Default Person Profile Cover Image
Amending Branding (Organisation Name and Email From Name)
1. Navigate to Settings >> System Settings
2. Click in the relevant textbox to begin typing.
3. Click Save
Amending Country/Currency
1. Navigate to Settings >> System Settings
2. Select from the dropdown list which country/currency you would like to set as the default
3. Click Save
Amending Person Display Name and Employee Number Format
1. Navigate to Settings >> System Settings
2. Select from the dropdown list which person display name format you would like to set as the default
3. Click Save
Amending the Data Confidence Date (optional)
1. Navigate to Settings >> System Settings
2. Select the date from which you are confident that your people and job data is accurate.
For new customers, this is the date from which the data you are importing is perceived to be correct and accurate. The Analytics on your system will start from this date.
It is not advised the you set a data confidence date retrospectively unless there are clear reasons to perceive any data prior to this date as inaccurate.
3. Click Save
Amending Organisation Objectives Visibility
1. Navigate to Settings >> System Settings
2. Check Use Organisation Objectives if you wish to create and make organisation objectives visible to your organisation.
3. Click Save
Amending Goal Notifications
1. Navigate to Settings >> System Settings
2. Navigate to Goals >> Confirm the Goals settings you wish enabled across the organisation.
Amending Default Language
1. Navigate to Settings >> System Settings
2. Select from the dropdown list which language you would like to set as the default
3. Click Save
Amending Date/Time
1. Navigate to Settings >> System Settings
2. Select the default time zone, date and time format that you wish to apply to the system
3. Click Save
Amending Business Days
1. Navigate to Settings >> System Settings
2. Tick or untick the business days as appropriate to your business.
3. Click Save
Amending Remuneration Display
1. Navigate to Settings >> System Settings
2. Select the default decimal precision you wish the system to use for currency figures from the drop-down
3. Click Save
Amending Goal Comments/GIF's
1. Navigate to Settings >> System Settings
2. Navigate to Platform >> Select Fun or Standard for the Platform Levity.
Note: Standard will disable the ability to add GIF's on goal comments, if this doesn't fit your business culture.
Amending Default Email Send Times
1. Navigate to Settings >> System Settings
2. Navigate to Emails >> Select the default send time for system pulses
3. Click Save Email Settings
Amending Organisation Chart Visibility
1. Navigate to Settings >> System Settings
2. Navigate to Organisation Chart Configuration >> Select if you wish to make the organisation chart shareable and copy the link if required.
3. Click Save
Amending Supervisor Early Access Period
1. Navigate to Settings >> System Settings
2. Click in the textbox to begin typing.
3. Click Save
Amending Single Sign-On (SSO) Options
As a business, you can choose to allow logins via SSO only or allow logins via password and SSO.
- Allow login via password and SSO: With this option, users can select Sign in with SSO to sign in with those credentials or they can sign in with an intelliHR account (if the username and password have been provisioned for them). For example, a contractor requires access to intelliHR but is not set up with Single Sign-On as they do not require access to any other systems; the system admin can provide them with a username and password for intelliHR that they can use to manually log in.
- Allow Login via SSO only: Standard users will not be able to log in to intelliHR using any credentials other than their SSO credentials. The 'Sign in with intelliHR account' will remain on the page but users attempting to log in using this link will be presented with a message asking them to log in with their SSO credentials. System administrators will still be able to use this method to avoid issues with SSO preventing them from gaining access to the system in its entirety.
Amending the Organisation Logo
1. Navigate to Settings >> System Settings
2. Click Upload >> Select the image you would like to upload from your computer.
3. The image will be updated automatically.
Amending the Login Splash Image
1. Navigate to Settings >> System Settings
2. Click Upload >> Select the image you would like to upload from your computer.
3. The image will be updated automatically.
The Log In Splash Image will appear on the log in screen as the new background. We recommend using large and high resolution images under the size of 2mb.
Because the area the image takes up is different for all screen (and window sizes), there is no 'one perfect size'. Users on screens smaller than 4k will experience a crop on the top and bottom sides of the image, while users with bigger screens will experience a crop on the left and right as vertical space grows.
Amending the Default Person Profile Cover Image
1. Navigate to Settings >> System Settings
2. Click Upload >> Select the image you would like to upload from your computer.
3. The image will be updated automatically.
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