Creating a User Account for your employees allows them to access the platform, rather than just following links from their email account to complete forms. This will allow them to take advantage of the full suite of features in the systems such as the Organisation Chart, People Directory and many more. The platform is also the best way to track both their own and their team's progress against key metrics such as training investment and Goal setting.
This article covers:
- Create User Account for New Employees
- Create User Account for Existing Employees
- Create User Account for Employees using Single-Sign-On (SSO)
- Create User Account for Multiple People at Once
- Permissions
Create User Account for New Employees
1. Navigate to the People section and select Onbaording.
2. Enter the employee's personal details.
3. On this page you will have the option to create a User Account by selecting the checkbox 'Create a User Account'.
4. Enter a unique username and assign the required Permission Group(s).
If you wish to allow your new starter to log in straight away, leave the Enable User Account box checked. You will also have the option to send a Welcome Email to the employee which prompts them to create a password, alternatively, a password can be set manually at a later date.
Create User Account for Existing Employees
1. Navigate to Settings >> User Accounts.
2. Select Create User.
3. This will take you to a new page.
- Enter the Username (this is what the person will use to log in to the platform).
- If you wish to create the account without enabling it, untick User is Enabled.
- Select the Employee you wish to create the User Account for.
- Select the password creation method.
- Selecting User Sets Password by Email will send a link to the new user asking them to set a password.
- Selecting Manually Set Password allows you to set the password.
- Assign the User Account to one or more Group Memberships.
4. Select Create User.
Create User Account for Employees using Single-Sign-On (SSO)
1. Navigate to Settings >> User Accounts.
2. Select Create User.
3. This will take you to a new page.
- Select the Employee you wish to create a user account for
- Check the box to Enable User Account
- If you wish to send a welcome email check the Send Welcome Email box
- Enter the Username (this should match the user's SSO ID).
- Select the appropriate Password Method - for SSO you can select No Password
- Enter the SSO ID that will be passed from your IdP to match against this user
- Assign the User Account to one or more Group Memberships.
4. Select Create.
Create User Account for Multiple People at Once
1. Navigate to Settings >> User Accounts.
2. Select Create Multiple Users.
3. This will take you to a new page in which you can select the employees who would like to create user accounts for from the list provided.
This page will also show you a list of employees who cannot have user accounts and the reason why (i.e. the employee does not have a primary email address).
4. Click Next.
5. Assign the Permission Group(s) you would like to set for this group of employees.
6. Click Create Users.
Please note it may take a few minutes to create multiple user accounts if creating a large number at one time.
7. The user account will be created and the username will be set as the employee's primary email address.
The username can be changed in Settings >> User Accounts >> click Edit for the user account you would like to update >> edit the username >> click Save.
This section is important for users who are not system administrators. In order to create user accounts for employees, there are two important things to note.
First is that the following permissions are required:
Second is that users can only assign permission groups to user accounts that they themselves have.
Meaning that if someone has a Staff Member Permission group assigned to them, (which has the above permissions in that group) then they can only assign the Staff Member permission group to other user accounts.
Only users with System Administrator access have the full list of permission groups available to assign.
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