Now that you have set up your individual and teams goals within intelliHR, there are multiple ways in which you can report on and gain insight into how your business is performing against these goals. There are 3 key analytics pages that you can use to report on different aspects of goal setting which shed light on how your employees are performing and any areas for improvement.
This article covers:
How to report on Goals within intelliHR
Within your intelliHR platform to access your goal analytics pages, follow the steps below:
1. Navigate to Analytics >> Discover from the left-hand menu
2. Search using the keyword goal
3. From the list, click on the desired analytics page
4. Alternatively you can use the keyword goal in the global search bar to navigate to the desired analytics page
Goal Performance - How well is your business performing on goals?
The first analytic page you can use is Goal Performance. You can use this page to monitor how well the team is delivering on their goals and how this is trending through a review of goal completion rates and timeliness of completion across the business.
Some of the key metrics you can view on this page are:
- Goal Completion - completed/overdue
- Achievements - completed ahead, completed behind, overdue
- Areas to improve - overdue, completed behind, completed ahead
- Goals completed by month - number of completed goals per month with trendline
- Goal measurement achievement - measurement progress % per month with trendline
- Progress Status - On target, not started, archived, needs support, completed
- Category - based on the categories you have built in your platform
- Pay Grade
- Business Entity
- Business Unit
- Supervisor
All of the above charts are filterable to allow you to drill down on specific information relative to your business. For example, On the Category chart, gives you the ability to filter by personal development goals and have the rest of the charts only show data relating to that category selected.
Goal Communication Sentiment - How well is your organisation communicating about goals?
The second page you can use is Goal Communication Sentiment. Review how well the organisation communicates about goals through an analysis of positive and negative sentiment provided in employee text data from Goal comments over time. For more information on goal communication sentiment review our knowledge base article.
Some of the key metrics you can view on this page are:
- How well are we communicating with our goals? - average sentiment score trend by month
- Positive vs. Negative Sentiment by month - number of sentiments by month
- Category - based on the categories you have built in your platform
- Progress Status - completed, on target, at risk
- Sentiment Score Distribution - number of sentiments positive vs negative distribution
- Comment Author - goal owner or other
- Business Unit
- Pay Grade
- Work Type
- Supervisor
- Tenure
- Gender
All of the above charts are filterable to allow you to drill down on specific information relative to your business. For example, On the Positive vs. Negative Sentiment by month chart, view all data about positive sentiments in a particular month and have the rest of the charts only show the related data.
Goal Compliance - How well is your business going with setting goals?
The third page you can use is Goal Compliance. Monitor who has active goals and who is setting goals on the platform.
Some of the key metrics you can view on this page are:
- How frequently are we creating new goals? - goal count per month with average trendline
- Progress Status - on target, not started, needs support, completed
- Approval Status - shows all approved goals
- Job Counts by Active Goals - how many active goals per job
- Category - based on the categories you have built in your platform
- Business Unit
- Pay Grade
- Supervisor
- Business Entity
- Work Class
All of the above charts are filterable to allow you to drill down on specific information relative to your business. For example, On the Work Class chart filter, you can view data of all of your full-time staff to see how they are going with setting goals on the platform.
With all of the intelliHR Analytics pages, you can dive deeper into your data to explore where your information is coming from. Use the Row Data Table icon in the bottom right-hand corner to access critical data points. For more information on accessing data points from row data check out our knowledge base article.
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