This article covers how to set up an Alias for your tenant URL in cases of rebranding or name changing.
This article covers:
How to Create a Tenant Alias
1. Navigate to Settings >> System Settings and it is under the first section, Branding.
2. Type the name you want the URL of your tenant to reflect.
The unique name of your tenant will exist in the "name" part of the following URL template:
Therefore just type the part that replaces "name" instead of the whole URL.
3. Click Save Default Branding to initiate the change. This process may take up to 30 seconds.
Note: Just like usernames, ones that are already taken cannot be used. It will come up with an error message if that particular name is already in use.
What Will Change?
- Once the change is processed, the displayed URL will remain unchanged until you log out of the platform.
- Typing in the name of the old URL will redirect any user to the new URL, so no action needs to be taken by employees who have saved the old URL in their favourites.
- Dashboard Tiles that prompt users to fill out forms or direct them to a URL will continue to work as expected.
- The tenant alias can be changed back at any time if you wish by naming it the same as it was before.
- This ability to amend the tenant alias is available to any user that has access to System Settings. Access to System Settings is granted by the permission feature is accessible to anyone who has access via their permissions to Manage Organisation Settings.
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